Call for chapter Mediterranean economies 2025

Call for chapter

Mediterranean economies 2025
" The Mediterranean between Economy and Geopolitics: Global Challenges and New Balances "

Edited by Salvatore Capasso and Giovanni Canitano


Dear Academics and Experts,

We are pleased to announce the call for chapters for Mediterranean Economies 2025, a thematic book exploring the intersections between geopolitics and the Mediterranean economy.



The Mediterranean is a strategic hub where global economic, energy, and geopolitical interests converge. Recent transformations in international relations—such as escalating tensions in the Middle East, competition among major powers (USA, China, Russia), and Africa's growing prominence—are reshaping the region's economic role. At the same time, Mediterranean countries face shared challenges, including resource management, food security, and migration, requiring coordinated solutions to promote stability and development.


Objectives of the Book

This yearbook aims to deeply analyse the complex interplay between geopolitical dynamics and the economies of the Mediterranean region. The objective is to understand how political and strategic factors influence economic development in Mediterranean countries and how economic transformations, in turn, reshape geopolitical equilibriums.
The central focus lies in identifying the opportunities and risks Mediterranean countries face within an increasingly competitive global context. On the one hand, the book explores the strategic advantages of the Mediterranean as a meeting point between Europe, Africa, and Asia. On the other hand, it examines vulnerabilities linked to demographic pressures, environmental crises, regional conflicts, and economic inequalities.
The book seeks to promote dialogue and cooperation as fundamental tools for sustainable and inclusive development. Regional partnerships, shared resource utilisation, and joint policymaking are proposed as pathways to collectively address global challenges and strengthen the region's stability. Additionally, the role of scientific diplomacy in fostering peace will be assessed. Scientific diplomacy is highlighted as a crucial component for advancing cooperation in key sectors such as climate, energy, resource management, and technological innovation, fostering knowledge exchange and strategies transcending political and cultural divides.
The yearbook, edited by Salvatore Capasso and Giovanni Canitano, aims to offer a multidisciplinary and up-to-date reflection on key issues affecting the Mediterranean, with particular attention to the following themes:


  1. The Mediterranean and Geopolitical Conflicts
  • Analysis of tensions in critical areas (Libya, Syria, Iran, Israel-Palestine) and their impact on local economies and trade flows.
  • The role of conflicts in redefining economic and political alliances among Mediterranean countries and global powers.
  • Effects of sanctions and trade blockades on global value chains.
  1. The Energy Role of the Mediterranean
  • The role of gas and oil reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean as a source of tension.
  • Potential for regional energy cooperation: green energy corridors and transnational infrastructure.
  • The Mediterranean’s contribution to the global energy transition.
  • Energy autonomy as a tool for regional peace and security: analysis of energy independence projects, interregional renewable energy collaborations, and the role of shared energy security in fostering Mediterranean stability.
  1. Trade Routes and Logistics
  • The Mediterranean’s centrality in trade flows between Europe, Asia, and Africa.
  • Impacts of the enhanced Maritime Silk Road (Belt and Road Initiative) and the role of strategic ports (Suez, Tangier, Piraeus, Trieste).
  • Logistical and infrastructural challenges to maintaining the Mediterranean’s competitiveness against other regions.
  1. Migration and Economic Development
  • Economic dynamics of migration flows and their impact on local economies: cost or opportunity?
  • Migration management policies and their role in regional stability.
  • The relationship between population growth, economic inequalities, and migration pressures.
  1. Regional Cooperation and Scientific Diplomacy
  • Analysis of multilateral institutions (Union for the Mediterranean, UfM) and their effectiveness in promoting economic integration and geopolitical stability.
  • Opportunities to strengthen South-South and North-South economic cooperation.
  • Prospects for regional governance to address common challenges such as climate change and energy security.
  • Scientific diplomacy for cooperation and peace: contributions analysing how scientific diplomacy can foster transnational collaboration in areas such as climate change, water resource management, energy, food, and health security, demonstrating how these partnerships can serve as foundations for peacebuilding.
  1. Implications for Europe
  • The EU’s role as a geopolitical and economic actor in the Mediterranean: opportunities to strengthen partnerships with the Southern Mediterranean.
  • Trade and security policies to counter competition from powers such as China and Russia.
  • Effects of Mediterranean tensions on the EU’s internal stability (migration, energy crises, foreign policy).


We welcome contributions addressing these themes and subtopics, prioritising the following analytical perspectives:

  • An interdisciplinary approach integrating economics, geopolitics, international law, and social sciences.
  • Use of up-to-date data and case studies, with attention to strategic sectors such as energy, environment, logistics, and trade.
  • Engagement with regional experts and policymakers to formulate recommendations and future scenarios.


Submission Procedure:

Potential authors are invited to submit original and unpublished manuscripts (written in British English) from a wide range of disciplines; an interdisciplinary approach is also strongly encouraged. The call welcomes theoretical and empirical studies using a range of methodologies, including qualitative, quantitative, mixed and multi-methods. Aspiring authors must provide a structured abstract (i.e. purpose - methodology - results - originality - limitations - implications) of no more than 500 words. Authors should also submit a short bio-sketch (title of work, department, name of university, research interests or recent publications and results obtained) (up to 100 words). Please be aware that acceptance of the abstract does not necessarily guarantee publication of the full manuscript submitted. All manuscripts will undergo a double-blind review process. Please send your abstract proposal by e-mail to

Selected authors should submit the full chapter, of up to 7,000 words, by March 30, 2024.

The volume will be published by Il Mulino by the end of 2025 in print, digital (eBook), and open access formats on the Darwinbooks platform.

Key dates

The editorial schedule is as follows:

30 December 2024: Submission of a structured abstract (up to 500 words) and a short biographical profile (up to 100 words). The author(s) should also submit a short biographical sketch (up to 100 words).

15 January 2025: Notification of abstract acceptance.

30 March 2025: Submission of the full chapter.

April 30, 2024: notification of acceptance and peer review report (double-blind)

June 15, 2024: submission of the final version

September 30, 2024: publication in the book


For further information, please contact the editors at

Thank you for your interest and contribution to this crucial discussion on the future of the Mediterranean in advance.

Best regards