Edizione corrente

Mediterranean Economies 2024
The New Agenda for the Mediterranean: Perspectives and Challenges

Context and overview
The 2024 edition of Mediterranean Economies explores the European Union's "New Agenda for the Mediterranean," a transformative framework designed to enhance collaboration and sustainable development with its Southern Mediterranean neighbours. This comprehensive analysis focuses on the agenda’s five key pillars: human development, governance, resilience and prosperity, peace and security, migration and mobility, and the green transition..
From 2020, the Mediterranean Economies Report is published in English and becomes Mediterranean Economies (2020 Edition).
The Mediterranean Economies series aims to serve as a permanent observatory for socio-economic dynamics in the Euro-Mediterranean area. It provides a valuable resource for researchers, scholars and policy makers seeking to better understand the phenomena influencing the societies within this region. The observatory project includes a dedicated website (https://www.ismed.cnr.it/rem) and a database containing essential socio-economic indicators for Mediterranean economies (http://datamed.cnr.it/).
In this issue

Through contributions from leading scholars and policymakers, the book provides in-depth analyses of these interconnected themes, addressing the Mediterranean's shared challenges. Highlights include the geopolitical consequences of the October 2023 Middle East crisis, the growing influence of Russia and China in the region, and infrastructure investments in MENA and Africa amidst G7-BRICS competition. The book also underscores the urgency of tackling environmental degradation, water scarcity, and gender inequalities while examining the intricate dynamics between migration policies and economic growth.

As the Mediterranean faces environmental pressures, socio-economic disparities, and political instability, this book emphasises the need for innovative strategies and regional integration to transform these challenges into opportunities.

Ideal for policymakers, academics, and stakeholders, Mediterranean Economies 2024 provides critical insights and actionable recommendations to foster a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous region.

ISBN 9788815390325
ISSN 2975-013X
Annuary – 1 issue per year
Peer review
All Mediterranean Economies chapters are submitted to the following process before being published:
1) The Mediterranean Economies editorial board and editors submit chapters to experts in the area after receiving submissions from the authors.
The peer review is managed by a specialist in the same area as the author.
2) The reviewers carefully assess the quality of the submitted manuscripts.
3) The research methodology and procedures are assessed by the peer reviewers for their validity.
4) Revisions are suggested if necessary.
5) Chapters are rejected on the basis of lack of academic credibility and quality.

is the Director of Department of Social sciences and humanities, cultural heritage - Italian National Research Council, and full professor at University of Naples "Parthenope".


is senior technologist at the Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean - Italian National Research Council, and author of many studies on the Mediterranean.


Editore: Il Mulino

Pubblicazione online: 2025
Isbn edizione digitale: 9788815413758
DOI: 10.978.8815/413758
Licenza: CC BY-NC-ND

Pubblicazione a stampa: 2025
Isbn edizione a stampa: 9788815390325
Collana: Annuario Issm
Pagine: 520

Come citare:

S. Capasso e G. Canitano (a cura di) Mediterranean Economies 2024. The New Agenda for the Mediterranean: Perspectives and Challenges, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2025

(ed. digit.: 2025, doi: 10.978.8815/413758)